Keep Our Wildlife Safe From Our Toxic Waste

We all admire a clean front verge and neighbourhood. But have you ever stopped to notice how often stray rubbish ends up outside yours or your neighbour’s wheelie bin on collection day? It is a more common occurrence than you might think.

Crows, corellas, and ibises are just some of our clever native friends that have become adept at opening overstuffed bin lids in search of food scraps. Loose rubbish items are tossed aside in the process. Such discarded items are not cleaned up by our waste collectors and often, residents. Resulting in loose rubbish polluting our streets, parks, and waterways.

Aside from the devastating impact of polluting our environment, our wildlife consumes our toxic waste products, with fatal consequences.
The Clean Up Australia 2019 Rubbish Report stated there was 17,313 total ute loads of rubbish removed from our local environments nationally. The most common types of rubbish were dangerous, non-biodegradable plastics (making up 31% of all rubbish). Even more shockingly, over half of the waste was found in our waterways (rivers and coastlines) and parks (35% waterways and 22% parks) putting our unique wildlife at risk. Harmful effects of litter include poisoning or trapping animals, can encourage growth of pest species such as algae and can kill aquatic life through choking or indirectly through its impact on water quality.

We all have a responsibility to ensure our litter does not end up in the local environment. One simple, easy way you can do this is by adopting a product that will ensure the rubbish that ends up in your bin, stays in your bin until collection. One such product is BinSpring. It keeps the lid closed, preventing our wildlife from accessing our harmful toxic waste, and creating a mess.

Its elegant, simple design means that it only takes a second to attach, sliding in between the bin handle and lid and requires no tools to do so. It fits all bin sizes and shapes, meaning that all of your rubbish stays where it belongs.


To test BinSpring’s effectiveness, a trial of over 400 bins in the City of Onkaparinga and the Fleurieu Regional Waste Authority (both in South Australia) was undertaken across a period of 3 months. These were ideal testing areas as they were often subjected to high wind conditions causing bins to fall over and lids to open. Before the trial, 89% of participants believed that it was important for rubbish to not escape into the environment. By the end, 70% thought that BinSpring prevented rubbish from escaping with 10% undecided.
At BinSpring we are passionate about our environment and strive to keep it healthy and waste-free. We are proud supporters of Keep Australia Beautiful, Keep New Zealand Beautiful and Clean Up Australia initiatives and which sees us participate in litter pick up days annually. We know that BinSpring will greatly help to reduce litter in our streets, waterways and parks, but we need your help. Grab yourself a BinSpring today and start helping us to make our neighbourhoods, cities and country a healthier, litter free place for us all to enjoy.